Its a Happy Easter cause HE is risen!
Happy happy Easter everyone. I just love this holiday. probably my favorite I am hoplessly, madly, deeply in love with spring time. Im probably the happiest during this time, the weather, the flowers, the colors everything is just so magnificent and probably because the chocolate Easter Cadbury Mini Eggs are being sold and I cant help myself when I come face to face with those tasty ones. Though the reason for the season is so uplifting. Everyday should be a celebration for Easter because it is the day Jesus came from the tomb, alive, resurrected, sharing the beautiful message that our sins are paid for through the shedding of his blood, and have full assurance for eternal life with Christ. I love my Heavenly Father over anything on this Earth. He is my all in all. I surrender daily to him, knowing the ransom is paid, my sins are gone, I can walk obedient to him here on Earth and I can greet Him at his heavenly throne soon. Praise Jesus, the holder of my heart!!! Hope everyo