Monday= My Bun Day
is it Friday yet? no its only Monday +you know its a Monday morning when you let your annoying alarm clock buzz longer just cause you don't want to get up, the outfit you planned in your head in the shower did not look the same causing that I have nothing to wear lets try everything on moment, your coffee maker didn't finish its job when you only see it made half the coffee you wanted (needed?), you felt bad for going over the speed limit rushing to class, you run into class without a minute to spear, then to have someone say "you know your sweater is inside out right?" the beautiful start to the day yes to answer your question that was me this morning the rest of the day continues as +anatomy class we dissected cats, and man they were not pretty looking, and smelled like week old Chinese take out. learning the muscles and joints of the body are a lot harder then I thought +I took too long of a break to play on Pinterest and Etsy cause deep do