
Showing posts from September, 2014

i miss my best friend

so it took me a couple days to write this since it was hard to stop crying and type so its been a draft for a couple days..... Mitchell left for UCSB on Sunday and I am just getting over being a "wreck" Mitchell is my best friend, my partner in crime, my adventure buddy and so much more. I am so use to seeing him every day and being with his family all the time also. We have been so blessed to live so close to one another these past two years and I think I am just so use to him being only 10 minutes away. Even though he is three hours away its so different. He is off at a new place, experiences new things and learning to live out of home. I am so so so happy for him don't get me wrong, I think its so awesome! It is just hard for me since I am at home doing the same ole same ole missing him and he is busy doing stuff. But dental school is a lot and I work lots too so im trying to be a busy bee. Its going to be different and its going to be a challenge but I know G

that one time i was on the Ellen Degeneres Show

well in the seats  BUT I got tickets for the Ellen Show and went on Tuesday the 23rd! it was such an adventure and let me tell you, I have waited years to get these tickets and they finally came in! Mitchell picked me up early Tuesday morning and we gabbed I Love Bagels which is one of our favorite breakfast grabs and headed on the 5 freeway to go to Hollywood! We were able to walk around Hollywood Blvd to see the stars and just people watch, it was so fun since I had never done that. Next we made our way to the Ellen Show! It was a long process to wait in line and wait to go in the studio! Though, the people that worked there made it super fun by being so nice and playing games. Once we were in the studio it was SO SO SO cool to see it in person, the lights and cameras were so fascinating. We got stellar seats by the end of the aisle. We danced, we laughed, we clapped and we got to see Ellen! The guest she had were Eric Stonestreet from Modern family, this famous little boy

billabong wetsuit

repping my new wetsuit from billabong that I love so so much the colors are so fun and the fit is so so great wetsuit: Billabong  (similar style) "Sunday mornings are for coffee, some surf down at doho and the Lord"

21st Birthday

cant believe the day came that I turned 21 I want to thank everyone that made me feel so loved with the nice comments and shout outs! I had the best day! Mitchell came and picked me up, we got breakfast burritos in Laguna and then took me on a mini road trip on PCH. stopping at the state beaches, playing fun music, playing games and so much more! it was such a blast. then we had dinner at Happa Js in San Clemente with the crew.  I couldn't of thought of a better way to celebrate! dinner was a funny/awkward/great/yummy time. when ordering my first drink I was super nervous cause I got a "sex on the beach" since well everyone told me it was super sweet and tasted like a Slurpee so I was all for it! and our waitress was so sweet and when she looked at my ID so was all "ahh happy birthday!!!"  and then I got to have a free beer!  so through my awkwardness and such I still feel like a little kid but  hello world, Im 21

lovely mornings

 boys go to surf girls hang and watch best way to start off the day we had a day double date of surfing, breakfast burritos, skate park, jacuzzi, movie and panda  yeap it was awesome when if the tide came up and soaked us, my camera, my math book and our phones..... but its all aok