i miss my best friend

so it took me a couple days to write this since it was hard to stop crying and type so its been a draft for a couple days.....

Mitchell left for UCSB on Sunday and I am just getting over being a "wreck"
Mitchell is my best friend, my partner in crime, my adventure buddy and so much more. I am so use to seeing him every day and being with his family all the time also. We have been so blessed to live so close to one another these past two years and I think I am just so use to him being only 10 minutes away. Even though he is three hours away its so different. He is off at a new place, experiences new things and learning to live out of home. I am so so so happy for him don't get me wrong, I think its so awesome! It is just hard for me since I am at home doing the same ole same ole missing him and he is busy doing stuff. But dental school is a lot and I work lots too so im trying to be a busy bee.
Its going to be different and its going to be a challenge but I know God has a plan and I can rest in His embrace knowing that I have a great God with a loving plan. 
And I know I might sound crazy since well he is only three hours away, but I doesn't change how different the next two years will be. 
AND everyone says "distance makes the heart grow fonder" yuck. I know its true but still YUCK. When he study abroad in Europe that's all I was told... hahahha

I love him lots and I cant wait to see him in a couple weeks


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