ITS SUMMER {is this real life???}

making: a list of what to accomplish this weekend 
reading: Bible, loving reading Romans 
wanting: to relax and not feel that I should be up so early, my body shot out of bed at 8am...
looking: forward to summer adventures and watching all my shows tonight 
wishing: not to worry about little things 
enjoying: my coffee, to sit down and enjoy my morning coffee is amazing, its been so long
waiting: for too many things
liking: long sleeve rompers... hmmm really want one 
wondering: about too much, my future husband, future school, career, life, if my children will have my shortness 
loving: summer, can I say it again? SUMMMER and my best friends, they are the absolute greatest
hoping: that I get my summer body before oh wait... 
marveling: over the fact I got an A in college organic/biology chemistry like what?
needing: to go on a beach run 
smelling: my yummy coffee with hazelnut creamer 
wearing: my pjs consisting of turquoise boxer shorts and a baggie shirt 
noticing: that its freezing out, and its summer! where are you sun
knowing: that God loves me, unconditional love. 
thinking: what I am going to eat for lunch 
opening: my journal and apologizing for not writing in forever
giggling: cause I got a big crush on someone and I cant wait to see him and be with him this weekend (im such a little girl)
feeling: grateful for the life God has given me, the ups and downs, all glory goes to HIM

let me say I have never been so thankful for summmer EVER before. this was the hardest semester of school I have ever taken. I am grateful for the strength of the Lord to get me to the end. its been a crazy, busy, stressful, exhausting, and semi happy couple of months. and now its time to rediscover something called sleep, relaxation and fun. 
after my final I went to celebrate at the mall with my best friends Hannah and Franny, we had to best time picking out clothes and eating yummy cheesecake factory. then I was off to church to be with my freshman ladies that I love to lead. our sermon was on dating and you know thats the biggest thing on a high school girls' mind so it was awesome! after I went to Hannah's to see her and Franny cause they made me the bestest gift ever ever ever (again greatest friends how did I get so blessed?) then we went to Mitchell's to hangout with the crew.
hello summer sweet sweet summer
and now I will have lots to post no more MIA followers ;)


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