giving thanks continuously

just because Thanksgiving is over, doesn't mean we should stop to give thanks for the good and possibly the bads in our life. 
a quote I came across the other day was about how only America would have a day about buying things we don't need the day after we should be giving thanks for what we have, yes that's you Black Friday 
there are so many things I'm thankful for in my life, I could go on and on about my family, friends, the gospel... but sometimes its nice to really think about what the small things add up to.
in church a lovely lady talked about how she sat in silence for 15 minutes and just thanked the Lord, not asking for anything just giving thanks 
I think we should all take this challenge, to help us remember or understand small things in our life that add up to the big things we are grateful for
  • I'm thankful for walking outside and being able to see my shadow, acknowledging that I'm out in the beautiful sunlight the Lord has blessed us with 
  • I'm thankful for those jeans that feel a little too small after eating, knowing I was able to have enough food to eat to satisfy my stomach
  • I'm thankful for flowers that need to be watered, plates that need to be clean, a bed that needs to be made, and rooms that need to be vacuumed because it means I have a home and all the things inside 
  • I'm thankful for a messy room that looks like a closet threw up because it makes me understand I have clothes to wear 
  • I'm thankful for a spot at the end of a parking lot because it means I have the ability to walk and even burn some calories 
  • I'm thankful for all the (annoying) bickering on politics meaning I have freedom of speech 
  • I'm thankful for my barking alarm clock in the morning that wakes me up, because it means I'm alive today
knowing those little things sometimes can add to the greater cause. taking a moment to understand your abilities in life and all your little things really can grow a day in happiness 


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