
Showing posts from July, 2015

Loads of pictures and LIFE moments

With school full time (or as I like to say it more than full time), trying to keep up with my studies, trying to be a good and present girlfriend and friend, and trying to get at least four hours of sleep a night, needless to say I have been extremely busy.  Which I feel like I start off all my blogs as that.... probably so boring and lame to hear I know.  But its the cold hard truth my friends.  So basically school is extremely hard but good, Mitchell is amazing as always, my friends are the best, and I am just trying to enjoy summer as best as I can. I may have school almost every day, and when Im not in class I am doing homework and studying, but I am trying my best to have a fun summer by having adventures with Mitchell and friends and just making the best of it! So now here are a bunch of photos of my life recently. Charlie and Kallis Engagement Party! 4th of July at the harbor Sundays with this cutie  Flowers for our One Year si