
Showing posts from January, 2015

Valentines Day Card

Valentines day may not be for a little longer but I couldn't help myself to start on some fun crafts. If you are looking for a fun and easy card to make a love one here is a perfect way!

sunny day


adventures with handsome pt 2

from Mammoth mountains to boulder climbs 

adventures with handsome pt 1

Right after Christmas break I had finals, ew I know.  After the week of hardship and lack of sleep I finished with good grades and a grateful heart.  After finals I wanted to go on an adventure to celebrate and an adventure is what I went on.  I drove out to Santa Barbara to see Mitchell the day after and it was such a fun drive. It was gorgeous and so entertaining. I had good snacks and joyful music. Once I got to Santa Barbara it was a great embrace of greeting Mitchell, goodness I missed him so much. We biked around his campus (kids that go to UCSB have it sooo good. It is absolutely gorgeous, so jealous) and then went downtown to a fun restaurant that the lights went out and we ate in the dark due to the power going out, but it was quiet fun. The next day we rode out to get breakfast burritos, cause if you haven't realized yet Mitchell and I are breakfast burritos consumers and just hungout. As he went to class in the afternoon I took advantage of the beautiful campus an

chilly bones and mountain air


skii time


to the mountains we go

its tradition in our friend group to go to the mountains during winter break and this year was quiet fun we had an amazing time hanging together in a small cabin, board games, making fun meals, sunrise hikes, skiing, driving around the lake, wandering around town, and just being with one another