Sorry for being under a rock these past few days, I haven't been up to too much, just relaxing before school begins in a week... On a brighter note, recently I have had this thought in my head to share with the blogger world. I'm moving! ------------------------------------- Hahah well down the street. Thought I could add some jaw dropping news to you all. Though moving isn't really a jaw dropping convo when its down the street. Though on the moving note, I thought I could share my thought on how my life was "moved". Jesus. He "moves" be daily. In my life I have never found a love so strong and so caring before, when I found God in my low of lows, he picked me up with full arms. God looked passed all of my baggage, swept me off of my feet and embraced me as His daughter. He began healing my broken heart and removing the guilt and sadness. He broke every chain that was binding me and set me free. Free to sin and into his Heaven