sparkling night for homecoming pictures

the other night i had the privilege to take my friends McKenna and Chole homecoming pictures. It was so fun working with these gorgeous girls. we blasted some backstreet boys and danced around. Choles house is absolutely stunning, it has such a romantic feel to it, especially with the sparkling lights around the walkways. these girls sure know how to have fun wearing 80s classic shoulder pad dresses from Salvation Army. McKenna glowing the night away in a all sequence dress companied by silver toms. Chloe in a elegant black swad gown with a low cut back and a big bow with sequence to top if off. 
i had yet another little sad moment realizing i was taking the pictures for homecoming, only a year ago i was the one in them. 
i really need to stop this little pity party im running for myself 

such a cute father daughter shot 


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